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Workgroups, Workshops, Symposia and Events
IRAC regularly creates workgroups to bring together interested agencies to address a particular risk assessment issue or challenge. Workgroups provide a forum for member agencies to share expertise, insights and information and collaboratively advance the conduct and application of food-safety risk assessment in decision-making. A sampling of IRAC workgroup products, which range from recommendations and white papers to workshops, symposia, and public meetings, are provided below.
- Reproducibility and Replication Issues in Science: Quantitative Analysis of Biases in Epidemiology and its Role in Risk Assessment (2019)
- IRAC Workgroup on Dietary Exposure (2016-2019)
- Exploration of the Implications of Whole Genome Sequencing on the Conduct and Application of Risk Assessment in Food Safety Decision-Making (2017)
- Food Access, Nutrition, and Risk of Foodborne Illness (2016)
- Leveraging Epidemiological and Risk Assessment Methods (co-sponsored with IFSAC, 2013)
- Risk Analysis: Advancing Analysis (co-sponsored by USDA-ORACBA/IRAC/NCA-SRA, 2013)
- Chemical Food Safety Risk Assessment (2012)
- Listeria monocytogenes Dose-Response (co-sponsored with JIFSAN, 2011)
- Susceptible Populations and Food Safety (2010)
Roundtable Meetings, Seminars, and Symposia
- New Risk Assessment Tools on (co-sponsored by ORACBA/IRAC/NCA SRA, 2014; JIFSAN presentation)
- The Interagency Risk Assessment Consortium's Role in Federal Government Risk Assessment and Related Activities (Joint IRAC/CAFPA Symposium, 2012)
- Making a Difference: Data Collection for Risk Assessments through Innovative Approaches (IAFP Symposium, 2012)
- New Tools, Methods and Approaches for Risk Assessment (Joint IRAC-SRA- CBER-JIFSAN Symposium, 2009)
- Nutritional Risk Assessment: Bridging Perspectives, Sharing Methodologies, Identifying Data Challenges (IRAC , co-sponsored IOM Food Forum, 2007)
- Relating Microbiological Testing and Microbiological Criteria to Public Health Goals (ICMSF/IRAC/ILSI/IAFP/IFT Symposium. 2005)
- Food and Waterborne Pathogen Risk Ranking Models: From Policy to Practice (2005)
- Data Collection and Utilization in Risk Assessment and Management Decisions (2004)
Public Meetings/Conferences:
- FSIS/FDA Listeria monocytogenes in Retail Delicatessens (2013)
- IRAC-MRAF Work Group: Food and Water Microbiological Risk Assessment Framework Study (2012)
- Risk Assessment, Economic Analysis, and Foodborne Illness Regulations (2007)
- 1st International Conference on Microbiological Risk Assessment – Foodborne Hazards (2002)
- Open house of Risk Assessment Activities of RAC agencies (2002)
- Food Safety Risk Analysis Clearinghouse Data Quality Objectives (2000)
- Predicting human dose-response relationships from multiple biological models: Issues with Cryptosporidium parvum (2000)
- Clearinghouse Priorities for Microbial Risk Assessment Data (1999)
- Food Safety Risk Assessment, Users and Needs (1998)
- Relating Numbers of Foodborne Pathogens to Human Illness (1998)
Information Sharing Sessions
- Implementing a framework to evaluate the impact of food intake shifts on risk of illness using a case study with infant cereal Poster (Santillana Farakos)
Additional IRAC Workgroups and Deliverables:
- IRAC Work Group on Dietary Assessment (2014)
- IRAC Work Group on Risk Communication: Improving Internal Processes and Outcomes (2014)
- IRAC Work Group on Clarification of the Various Approaches for Assessing Risk (2013; publication: 2014 Journal of Food Protection)
- IRAC Work Group: Data Gaps for Selected Microbial Risk Assessments (2004)