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Food Safety Risk Analysis Network | Español






Description of CTI and key dates of activities involving partners

Mission to create an international network of universities (U. of Minnesota, U. of Nebraska, Texas Tech, U. of Maryland, U. of Laval in Canada and Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional in Costa Rica), and international organizations (PAHO, FAO, IICA and OIRSA). to transfer knowledge and experiences in risk analysis to food safety stakeholders in Latin American and Caribbean to enable governments to use science-based approaches to protect public health and promote the safe trade to attain sustainable food systems.

Objectives are to harmonize, develop, train, and implement food safety risk analysis in Latin America and the Caribbean region (LAC).

The main objectives of the FSRisk are:

  • Build trust, strengthen communication and share resources among all the organizations that work in the region
  • Promote the application of food safety risk analysis tools to enhance the food safety management systems in countries in the Americas in particular, Latin America and Caribbean countries


International Organizations:

Academic institutions

Government agencies

  • Dirección General para la Inocuidad Alimentaria, Uruguay (Norman
  • Bennett)
  • ACHIPIA, Chile (Constanza Vergara and Gustavo Sotomayor)
  • SENACSA, Paraguay (Jessica Duarte)
  • SDA/MAPA, Brazil (Claudia Valeria Goncalves)

Events/Key dates:

Action to facilitate “buy-in” to have a larger multiplier effect

The FSRisk network was endorsed by the countries of the Americas at the RIMSA 17th and COPAIA 7th meeting in Paraguay
Applied for a STDF preparatory grant and received funding. The project will be focused on the following areas:

  • South-South cooperation to transfer knowledge and expertise in risk analysis from more advanced to less developed countries, thereby developing a harmonized and cohesive network of food safety regulatory agencies and research networks in the region. 
  • Virtual and in-person training in risk analysis tailored to country needs (hybrid learning model). 
  • Implementation of risk analysis projects to modernize and standardize the food inspection systems, conduct risk assessment studies in high-priority food safety areas and advance risk communication. 

Manuals and publications


  • None yet/ first activity will be to hold a meeting in LAC

Other publications/conference proceedings

  • None yet

News stories

  • None yet