Council to Improve Foodborne Outbreak Response Toolkit
Second Edition of the Toolkit to aid in the implementation of the second edition of the Guidelines for Foodborne Disease Outbreak Response
PUBLISHED ON Jan 1, 2009
LAST UPDATED Jan 1, 2012
Metadata Updated: April 24, 2018

The CIFOR Guidelines for Foodborne Disease Outbreak Response, originally published in 2009 and revised in 2014, was developed to help local and state public health, environmental health, and food regulatory agencies and laboratories improve their foodborne disease outbreak response activities and harmonize foodborne disease investigation work across the United States. The Guidelines was developed by an interdisciplinary workgroup from around the country with expertise in epidemiology, environmental health, food regulation, and laboratory sciences. The workgroup included representatives from the local, state, and federal level and academia. The CIFOR Guidelines describes the major functions that should occur before, during, and after a foodborne disease outbreak including planning and preparation, disease surveillance and outbreak detection, investigation of clusters and outbreaks, and control measures. It provides useful background information on these functions and the rationale for various activities. The Guidelines also describes a range of practices, applicable to the investigation of and response to foodrelated emergencies of local, state, and national significance, from which agencies and jurisdictions might choose to improve their foodborne disease surveillance and outbreak response performance. Appropriate and effective foodborne disease outbreak response activities for a particular agency or jurisdiction depend on a host of factors including staff expertise, organizational structure, and resources as well as the unique circumstances of each outbreak. Given the volume and diversity of recommendations included in the CIFOR Guidelines, selecting the most appropriate or feasible practices to implement in an agency or jurisdiction could be challenging; thus, the CIFOR Guidelines Toolkit has been created.