Produce Safety University: Take-Home Training for Professional Standards
PPT training slides on safe produce practices
PUBLISHED ON Oct 3, 2017
LAST UPDATED Oct 3, 2017
Metadata Updated: April 24, 2018

We are excited to offer the following Take-Home Training modules, which will help Produce Safety University (PSU) graduates to spread the knowledge they acquired at PSU. Participants in these trainings can receive the designated professional standards credits. Please check the speaker notes for each module for more information about the codes and credit hours associated with each module. The modules can be presented as individual training sessions, or they may be presented together as part of a larger training event. We suggest presenting the modules in the order that they are listed below if they are combined for a larger event, in order to best represent the farm to fork process. PSU graduates, please feel free to use the speaker notes as a guide and to incorporate your own experience and to suit your audience. If you have any questions regarding these training materials, please contact the FNS Produce Safety University Program Manager.